The mission of Birthday Wishes is to provide birthday parties for homeless children. We believe that all children, regardless of their living situation, should celebrate…
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Birthday Wishes
The mission of Birthday Wishes is to provide birthday parties for homeless children. We believe that all children, regardless of their living situation, should celebrate their birthdays joyfully, surrounded by family, friends, and others who care.
Our grassroots philosophy fosters the spirit of volunteerism and community service in the adults, children, and families who donate their time and resources to the Birthday Wishes mission.
Birthday Wishes brings the magic of a birthday party to thousands of homeless children each year. Founded in 2002 as a volunteer organization serving one local shelter, Birthday Wishes has expanded its program to serve more than 185 shelters and transitional living facilities in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Long Island, New York. Our goal is to provide birthday parties to all homeless children in Massachusetts and to make our model available to homeless family programs nationwide.